Research Objective
Cardlink, a leading FinTech company, operates the biggest card transaction network in Greece with over 250,000 POS and 10,000 e-Commerce businesses.
Due to the nature of its business, Cardlink needs to be flexible and up to date so as to deliver its clients with constant real-time support in any issues they face. For that reason, the company operates a 17hours/day help desk which constantly addresses everyday customers’ inquiries.
In order to ensure the quality of the service delivered through the help desk, Global Llink designed a monthly trucker study among Cardlink clients, who used the help desk, conducting a fixed number of daily CATI interviews in order to ensure validity and time dispersiveness of the sample.
Research Methodology
In measuring customers’ satisfaction, indicators like Customer effort score (CES), Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction Score (CSS) are used. More importantly various different aspects of the service experience like waiting time, politeness, professionalism of the service members were examined.
Results were delivered on a monthly basis giving the company the opportunity to immediately address any issues that arose.
A multivariate segmentation analysis was also conducted, based on type and size of clients, as well as on the call generating issue, in order to offer a 360-degree view of segment differences in relation to customer satisfaction.
Utilising Research Findings
As a result of the research and way that the results were communicated, Cardlink has been able to achieve and maintain high customer satisfaction levels from its help desk.